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Hi, my name is Isaiah, and I am a designer, photographer and artist based in the Rio Grande Valley. My art is colorful and full of life. I work with the people in my life to create new bodies of work. I want viewers to look at my designs and feel a certain type of way. When creating works of art not only am I creating for others to see what my mind can imagine, my creations are solely to help myself be grounded as an artist. Growing up I thought I would only stick to being a fine artist but throughout my career in school and college I have come to love studying as a Graphic Designer.  

            My work is a mix of Graphic Design and Fine Art, the two come together to create one body of work that become an art piece. Being able to practice the mix of digital media with the physical arts has been a complex journey. A journey that is fun and creative. When it comes to my photography, I try to capture an emotion or feeling. As an artist I want to be able to create photographs using real world elements along with the use of photo editing tools to tell a story. Through the course of my early start of photography beginning in high school my photography has evolved from just picture taking. I studied how to composite an image and incorporate the elements of design. I want to create body of works that will make people stop and stare, have them question the messages behind the image. it is important to me to show the beauty of the things and people I am photographing. 

If I can imagine something I can create it, I need to discipline myself to let go of insecurities to jumping into the projects I hope to bring to life. I want to spread as much kindness and love with  of work I create.

Designer - Photographer

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